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Academic Research Links

Looking to Up Your Research Game?
Try these Academic Research Tools!


Salem Press - Salem Press is a fantastic on-line eBook database for any history, literature or science research project. It contains concise and scholarly articles on thousands of significant events, people and themes from American and world history. It also includes thousands of critical essays that examine the most significant novels available in English. Finally, you'll also find great reference works on scientific principles including biology, chemistry, ecology, physical science and physics. If you need quick and reliable historical, English literature or scientific information, use this database! The remote password for Salem Press is gresham.

Google Scholar - Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.

JSTOR - Full-text access to more than 1,400 of the most important scholarly journals published in the world, in a broad spectrum of disciplines, including language and literature, history, education, political science, and biological sciences, as well as primary sources such as letters, images, pamphlets, and plant specimens. Access this database through Multnomah County Library using your individual MCL account login and password.

Library of Congress - The national Library of Congress is the central depository of our nation's most important books and historical records. It has many digital collections of primary source materials such as photographs, manuscripts, recordings, maps, historic newspapers ...etc... Digital and print copies of records can be ordered for a fee from the Library of Congress.

Multnomah County Library - A link to the 150+ electronic databases of Multnomah County Library. Access these specialized databases with your individual Multnomah County Library account login and password.

Gale PowerSearch Research Databases – Full access to great research databases of magazines, journals and eBook content. Articles can be instantly converted into one of nearly 40 different languages including Spanish, Russian, Chinese and many others. The system can also read the article aloud in any language! If you are at school you should get instant access to the menu of database choices. If you are not at school, you will get a login screen that asks you for a password. Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database.

Gale in Context - U.S. History - An on-line database for United States history research. Includes e-book and magazine articles, video and audio podcasts, primary source documents ...etc... Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database.

Gale in Context - Environmental Studies - Global Reference on the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources database. An on-line resource for science research related to "green" science and other science topics. Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database.

Gale eBooks - The Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of eBook encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. Click on the Gale Virtual Reference logo after clicking on the link above. These reference materials were once accessible only in the library, but now you can access them remotely on-line 24/7.

Mount Hood Community College Library - Link to the Mount Hood Community College Library catalog and database webpages. For full access, you need to physically go to their Library. 

Citation Help – GHS Library link to help with creating MLA, APA and Chicago style citations.

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