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IB Art Research

Ms. Tran's IB Art Class
Art History, Styles and Movements

The A to Z Index to Art Movements

A great website that functions as an encyclopedia to art history and art movements from prehistoric times to the present day. Contains extensive articles, links and sample art pieces.

The Art Story: Modern Art Movements, Artist, Ideas and Topics

A site that focuses on providing the history of modern art through timelines, brief articles, biographies of artists and extensive examples of appropriate art work.

Art Cyclopedia

A massive on-line art encyclopedia and searchable database that includes artist profiles, history, movements, examples, art museum links and much more. A great place to start your research and find ideas for deeper research topics and directions.

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History - The Metropolitan Museum of Art

A website resource sponsored by the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art that features a detailed history of art and art styles from ancient times to today. Searchable by date and by geographic region, this site includes thematic essays and art samples from the museum's own collection.

Gale Fine Arts and Music Collection

A specialized and searchable database of art journal and magazines articles. Great for higher level research, this database can be accessed automatically from school or from home with passwords provided by the Library staff.

Oregon Art Museums, Art Organizations, and Art Centers

An on-line quick guide to local art museums, organizations and art centers around the state of Oregon. Links and contact information are included for each organization.

Portland Art Museum

A link to the largest (and closest) major art museum in our area. Showcases future, current and past exhibitions and collections as well as links to art education, artists and workshops.

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