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Library Research Links

What on-line databases are available from the Library?

Gale PowerSearch Research Databases – Full access to great research databases of magazines, journals and eBook content. Articles can be instantly converted into one of nearly 40 different languages including Spanish, Russian, Chinese and many others. The system can also read the article aloud in any language! If you are at school you should get instant access to the menu of database choices. If you are not at school, you will get a login screen that asks you for a password. Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database.

Gale in Context - Opposing Viewpoints - An on-line database to hot topic issues from the United States and around the world. Includes e-book and magazine articles, video and audio podcasts, primary source documents ...etc... Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database.

Gale in Context - U.S. History - An on-line database for United States history research. Includes e-book and magazine articles, video and audio podcasts, primary source documents ...etc... Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database.

Salem Press - Salem Press is a fantastic on-line eBook database for any history, literature or science research project. It contains concise and scholarly articles on thousands of significant events, people and themes from American and world history. It also includes thousands of critical essays that examine the most significant novels available in English. Finally, you'll also find great reference works on scientific principles including biology, chemistry, ecology, physical science and physics. If you need quick and reliable historical, English literature or scientific information, use this database! The remote password for Salem Press is gresham.

Gale in Context - Environmental Studies - An on-line resource for science research related to environmental studies and other science topics. Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database.

Gale Literature - LitFinder - LitFinder provides access to literary works and authors throughout history and includes more than 150,000 full-text poems and 800,000+ poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays. The database also includes secondary materials like biographies, images, and more. Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database.

Gale Books and Authors - Books & Authors offers new ways to explore the endless possibilities and combinations of books, authors, genres and topics. Combining over 140,000 titles, 50,000 authors, and thousands of read-alike, award winner and librarian's favorites lists, Books & Authors helps bring readers and literature together. Through the use of expertly written content and a dynamic user interface, Books & Authors makes exploration of genre fiction and essential non-fiction fun! By leveraging our entire award-winning What Do I Read Next? collection, patrons and students alike can be sure that their next big read comes with a BIG recommendation. Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database.

Gale eBooks - Gale eBook Library is a database of eBook encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials were once accessible only in the library, but now you can access them remotely on-line 24/7.

OSLIS – Link to the Oregon State Library Information System and all their great research resources!

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