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Math Courses Pathways 24-25

To meet graduation requirements,
all students must earn 3 credits of math based on the adopted 2021 Oregon Math Standards. This includes 2 credits of core mathematics followed by at least one math credit that addresses student future education and career aspirations.  This is known as the 2+1 model.  It is recommended that students interested in enrolling in a 4-year university take 4 years of high school math. Please see the Post High School Options section for guidance.  Out-of-state universities may require Algebra 2 in a student’s coursework.  Students should consult with their math teacher and/or counselor on specific classes that meet university requirements.


Department Staff Information


💭 How to be successful in Math

  1. Attend nearly every class session and, when absent, seek ways to learn the materials covered in class.
  2. Conscientiously prepare work assigned for class.
  3. Learn from mistakes made on assignments.  Seek help from the teacher, peers, and/or the math lab.
  4. Set aside time necessary to be successful.
  5. Study for exams by reviewing notes and assignments.  Do extra problems in the book for concepts you feel you need more practice with.
  6. Pay attention to detail.  Showing all steps vertically will help you avoid notational errors, e.g., accidentally changing digits, dropping or altering algebra symbols, leaving off negative signs, etc.
  7. Create a peer support network.  Exchange phone numbers so that you can call each other to discuss any problems you are having with an assignment.
  8. Bring your materials to class.  This includes your notebook, paper, assignments, textbook, a pencil, and a calculator - preferably a graphing calculator.

🔗 Helpful Links

Calculator Tutorial Videos:​

Desmos Graphing Calculator
Google Play Store       Apple App Store

Web Calculator Link

📑 Online Resources