To meet graduation requirements,
all students must earn 3 credits of math based on the adopted 2021 Oregon Math Standards. This includes 2 credits of core mathematics followed by at least one math credit that addresses student future education and career aspirations. This is known as the 2+1 model. It is recommended that students interested in enrolling in a 4-year university take 4 years of high school math. Please see the Post High School Options section for guidance. Out-of-state universities may require Algebra 2 in a student’s coursework. Students should consult with their math teacher and/or counselor on specific classes that meet university requirements.
Department Staff Information
💠How to be successful in Math
- Attend nearly every class session and, when absent, seek ways to learn the materials covered in class.
- Conscientiously prepare work assigned for class.
- Learn from mistakes made on assignments. Seek help from the teacher, peers, and/or the math lab.
- Set aside time necessary to be successful.
- Study for exams by reviewing notes and assignments. Do extra problems in the book for concepts you feel you need more practice with.
- Pay attention to detail. Showing all steps vertically will help you avoid notational errors, e.g., accidentally changing digits, dropping or altering algebra symbols, leaving off negative signs, etc.
- Create a peer support network. Exchange phone numbers so that you can call each other to discuss any problems you are having with an assignment.
- Bring your materials to class. This includes your notebook, paper, assignments, textbook, a pencil, and a calculator - preferably a graphing calculator.
🔗 Helpful Links
Calculator Tutorial Videos:​
Desmos Graphing Calculator
Google Play Store Apple App Store
Web Calculator Link